
292 masterproeven gevonden

Can the absence of an inactivation process in KCNQ2/3 channels be ascribed to a conserved valine residue in the S6 segment

Bert Lies , Master of science in de Biomedische Wetenschappen, 2022
Promotor: Alain Labro
Epilepsy is a seizure causing disorder due to an abnormal brain activity as consequence of hyperexcitability. The K+ currents are important for preventing this hyperexcitability. The M-current is an important K+ current constituted out of the K+ channels named Kv7.2 and Kv7.3. It is important that this M-current does not …

The role of balance confidence in gait rehabilitation in persons with a lesion of the central nervous system.

De Schutter Lotte, Leys Annelien, Steenackers Sarah, Master of science in de Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie, 2022
Promotor: Anke Van Bladel
Virtuele loopbandtraining als revalidatie na letsel van centrale zenuwstelsel Heeft virtuele loopbandtraining een meerwaarde bij de gangrevalidatie bij personen met een letsel aan het centrale zenuwstelsel? Deze vraag proberen wij te beantwoorden met behulp van dit onderzoek. In deze studie hebben 16 patiënten uit het revalidatiecentrum van UZ Gent met …

Prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunction, incontinence and the impact on functioning and quality of life in an adult cystic fibrosis population

Vanderveken Britt, Vanwelsenaere Emma, Walleyn Andreas, Master of science in de Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie, 2022
Promotor: Bieke Samijn
MUCOVISCIDOSE? NEGEER JE BEKKENBODEM NIET “Ik durf niet meer naar de fitness te gaan met vrienden uit schrik voor urineverlies tijdens het sporten en gênante momenten.” - Anoniem. U bent niet alleen! Er is een verhoogde kans op het ontwikkelen van bekkenbodemproblemen als u mucoviscidosepatiënt bent. Bekkenbodemproblemen kunnen tot bezorgdheid, …

Failed fertilization after ICSI: causes and treatment options

Colenbier Cora, Master of science in de Biomedische Wetenschappen, 2022
Promotor: Björn Heindryckx
Due to assisted reproductive techniques like intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), many infertile couples are helped to conceive their own genetically related child. Unfortunately, fertilization failure (FF) still occurs in 1 to 3% of all ICSI cycles due to oocyte activation deficiencies. Infertility has an enormous social, psychological and financial impact …
Male infertility fertilization failure after ICSI PLCZ1 variants ACTL7A variants assisted oocyte activation

Unraveling the function of trophectoderm markers in early embryonic development via CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing

Declercq Sarah, Master of science in de Biomedische Wetenschappen, 2022
Promotor: Björn Heindryckx
Worldwide, 15% of couples suffer from subfertility, due to the contribution of several factors, such as maintaining a certain lifestyle, nutritional habits and the increasing age at which couples choose to conceive. A possible solution to overcome this subfertility could be the application of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as …
CRISPR/Cas9 germline genome editing, mouse preimplantation embryonic development, trophectoderm markers

Non-invasive prenatal testing for monogenic disorders: a targeted approach

Soulliaert Brecht, Master of science in de Biomedische Wetenschappen, 2022
Promotor: Bjorn Menten
Currently, the NIPT has been successfully implemented in routine practice for prenatal detection of genetic disorders, such as down syndrome, via a simple blood test. Therefore, small fragments of DNA from the unborn child, so called cell-free DNA, present in the maternal blood are investigated. However, an important group of …

Epidemiology of congenital anomalies in Belgium

Dhulster Elodie, Master of science in de Management en Beleid van de Gezondheidszorg, 2022
Promotor: Brecht Devleesschauwer
Congenital anomalies, also known as birth defects, are a significant public health concern worldwide. They contribute significantly to the global burden of disease, with congenital heart defects being the leading cause of mortality and morbidity among birth defects. Over the years, advancements in diagnosis and treatment have led to a …

Relationship between glycaemic control, dietary composition, and behaviour in patients with type 1 diabetes

Coppens Lynn, Claerman Rani, Master of science in de Biomedische Wetenschappen, 2022
Promotor: Bruno Lapauw
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic metabolic disease, and currently there is still no cure. The focus of therapy is hence on optimal management of the disease, aiming for a healthy nutritional pattern, carbohydrate counting and favourable glycaemic control, to avoid the development of complications in later life. Finding …
Type 1 diabetes Dietary composition and behaviour Glycaemic control Continuous glucose monitoring Body composition

The impact of LUTS on well-being among primary school children and its association with neurodevelopmental disorders

Stekelorum Freya, Steuperaert Kato, Master of science in de Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie, 2022
Promotor: Christine Van den Broeck
Plasproblemen op lagere schoolleeftijd worden nog te vaak onderschat Tot op vandaag is er nog te weinig aandacht voor plasproblemen op school Plasproblemen bij lagereschoolkinderen hebben een negatieve impact op het welzijn van de kinderen, zowel in de klas als op de speelplaats. Dit omwille van schaamte, vermijding en angst. …
Plasproblemen, lagere school, welzijn, ontwikkelingsstoornissen, leerkrachten, educatie

What are the motor developmental outcomes at preschool age in infants treated with hypothermia for HIE and what is the predictivity of early neuromotor testing on these children?

van de Luijtgaarden Lotte, Master of science in de Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie, 2022
Promotor: Christine Van den Broeck
Wat is Hypoxisch Ischemische Encefalopathie? Ernstig zuurstoftekort tijdens zwangerschap, arbeid of de bevalling kan schade aanbrengen bij het pasgeboren kind. Dit wordt Hypoxisch Ischemisch Encefalopathie (HIE) genoemd. Belangrijke organen kunnen aangetast worden, maar schade aan de hersenen vormt het grootste probleem. Onder andere de duur van zuurstoftekort kan de ernst …

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